Friday, November 13, 2009


There are many ways to prevent memory loss and increase mental fitness. A research done by neuro-scientists around the world revealed that many of the negative myths about the aging brain are indeed only myths; "Older and Wiser" could be a reality. Maintaining your mental health is just as important as maintaining your physical health. Most things written about reverse aging memory loss, are often related to our lifestyle requiring change or creating new ways. 

Do You suffer from age related memory loss?

• Do you often forget your keys, grocery list or cell phone after leaving home?
• Do you sometimes have trouble recalling recent events?
• Does it take you longer to finish a crossword puzzle?
• Do you tend to forget the name of someone or something?

What Causes Memory Loss As We Get Older?

• Lack of sleep
• Lack of mental stimulation
• Lack of Physical Exercise
• Stress
• Diet
• Vitamin deficiency - specifically vitamin B12
• Hormonal fluctuations

Innovative techniques that can improve brain stimulation:

 Switch up your routined life by adding new activities.

 Vitamins are essential for the body and the brain. By taking these multivitamins you are giving your body the vitamins not consumed from daily foods.

 Take a Yoga Class to relieve stress and for physical activity.

 Reduce the bad fats in your diet and add some good fats such as, olive oil, and walnuts. Walnuts are especially high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have many benefits for both the brain, and the heart.

 Foods that are high in anti-oxidants are great for the brain. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and broccoli are all high anti-oxidant foods.

 Go for a walk - three times per week. It will clear your brain and improve memory.

 Exercise your brain with crossword puzzles, or sduku.

 Learn some new memory techniques - NEUROBICS. A technique that uses the five senses in unexpected ways and shakes up everyday routines. The exercises are offbeat, fun and can be done anywhere, anytime.

 Are You Going to Stop Your Age Related Memory Loss Today?

Will you add some changes to your life? Will you modify your behavior by introducing the unexpected to your brain using all of your senses?

An active brain is a healthy brain, while inaction leads to reduce brain fitness. Or simply put- “Use it or lose it.”